
One of the biggest objections I hear from creatives who want to get more exposure for their work, sell more products, get more clients… is:

“I don’t have time for self-promotion!”


“I don’t have time to make more art!”

Parkinson’s law is the adage that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”… but what if we use our time unwisely?

I get it. I know what it’s like to spend countless, arguably wasted hours - days even - on promotional tactics that have had little to no impact on getting me the exposure I want. Or on making work that ultimately no one was interested in and I’m not even happy with.

If I had a magic lamp, my 3 wishes would be:

• To go back in time and reclaim those wasted hours

• While I’m there, tell former-me what to spend my time on

• To have a pet (benevolent) triceratops

Whilst I can’t help you with two of those, I have got those tips on carving out more time, whether it’s for making your art or promoting it. We all have 24 hours in a day - and I value sleep greatly so NOTE: I’m not going to be recommending pulling all nighter or living like Gary V-like and sleeping 2 hours a night… my approach is sustainable AND effective.

What I do know is that when you have a system in place, a clear strategy and some pretty nifty tools at your disposal: things start to happen.

What you’ll learn:

1) Mastery

The class on Mastery is all about how to be ‘so good they can’t ignore you’, as Steve Martin would say. It’s the difference between good and great, and that starts with acknowledging what we’re not so great at. In some cases, we’ll stop doing things we aren’t great at and focus on what we do excel at. In other cases, we’ll make a plan to improve our skills in one area, and by doing so dramatically increase our effectiveness, value and personal enjoyment of our work.

2) Willpower

Whether you’re fighting your inner Cookie Monster or your inner Resistance; willpower is something every one of us struggles with at certain times. In this class we’ll uncover some of the myths around this elusive willpower thing, and what you can do to maximise the amount you’re given each day.

3) Procrastination

Again, none of us are immune to procrastination, but the good news is there are lots of ways to minimise it and in some cases, overcome this perplexing problem entirely. We’ll end this class on tackling procrastination from multiple angles to make sure you’re set for tackling even the most procrastinated-upon tasks (did someone say paperwork?)

4) Focus

In order to get anything done, we require a degree of focus. When we feel overwhelmed, distracted or bored, it’s often because we are unfocussed. Regardless of how good you think you are at prolonged focussed attention, you’ll learn there are ways of improving this, and quickly getting your blinkers on so that you can get just about anything accomplished.

Complete and Continue